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Chinatown Access and Circulation Study

The Chinatown Access and Circulation Study is the culmination of a nearly 15-month effort initiated in July 2003 by the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, in cooperation with the New York City Department of Transportation, to address the transportation and access issues in Chinatown compounded by the events of 9/11 and to identify possible solutions for other transportation problems in this vital area of the city. Recommendations outlined in the report were shaped by community meetings with Chinatown residents as well as the input of various New York City agencies. The report was prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas, Inc. in association with Chan & Krieger & Associates and SIMCO Engineering.

Chinatown Access and Circulation Study Public Workshop Information

On June 24, 2004, LMDC held a public workshop in Chinatown to address the area’s myriad traffic and transportation issues. The workshop, held at the Church of Transfiguration on Mott Street, was the culmination of months of technical analysis and community outreach conducted as part of the Chinatown Access and Circulation Study, which commenced in the summer of 2003 in partnership with the New York City Department of Transportation. The study focused on vehicular and pedestrian concerns that affect quality of life in Chinatown; major focus areas include Park Row, Chatham Square, Coach Buses, other Bus and Van Services, Parking, and Streetscape. The interactive workshop allowed the LMDC an opportunity to present potential initiatives from the study and ask the audience to rate each initiative in two categories: how much each would improve access and circulation, and how much each would improve quality of life for Chinatown . The audience also was encouraged to ask questions and state their opinions and positions for everyone to hear. A report summarizing the information collected at the workshop is available by clicking on the link below. At the request of workshop participants, the potential initiatives presented at the workshop were posted on the LMDC website so members of the Chinatown community who were unable to attend the workshop had an opportunity to contribute to the Chinatown Access and Circulation Study. An addendum to the Workshop report identifies additional comments received through this on line forum.

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